Tel: +65 6732 2033

271 Bukit Timah Rd, #02-12A
Balmoral Plaza, S (259708)

Pixel Skin Resurfacing Treatment
Our Services

Pixel Skin Resurfacing Treatment

“A revolutionary procedure which erases those factors that adds years to our appearance, restoring youthful vitality. Most importantly, we achieve this result with limited pain and downtime.” PIXEL skin resurfacing improves skin texture and tone, smoothens wrinkles, and diminishes brown spots. It is excellent for treating acne scars. Providing the effective, dramatic results of ablative resurfacing treatments – without its prolonged healing period – this procedure combines the best of both worlds !

What are the benefits ?

  • Improves skin texture and firmness
  • Safe and effective treatment for face, neck, chest, arms and hands
  • Little or no discomfort
  • Reduced downtime
  • Long term benefits

How does PIXEL work ?

Based on the principal of micro-thermal treatment zones, the laser pulses create tiny ablative zones, removing the epidermis and upper dermis. The treatment then triggers the body’s natural healing process, stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin tissue. Another term for this would be “fractional laser treatment”.

The procedure treats small zones of the skin, leaving the surrounding tissue untouched and intact. These large unaffected areas act as a reservoir for more effective and rapid tissue healing and collagen production. The bottom line : New, healthier, smoother tissue in place of skin imperfections.

What to expect from the treatment ?

Depending on the skin condition, the doctor will prescribe the ideal treatment plan to suit your needs. Generally, we recommend treatment involving 3 to 5 sessions, at monthly intervals.

Right after treatment, you may experience some redness and a slight tingling sensation. You may also have some slight swelling for a day or two. As new skin replaces dead tissue, your skin will flake, a sign that healing is underway. Your skin will look better immediately, and will steadily improve over the next 4 months.

Compared with conventional laser skin resurfacing, PIXEL is a far more comfortable procedure. It can be used on patients of most skin types anywhere on the body. Since this procedure spares healthy tissue, it can be performed on delicate skin areas, such as the face, neck, chest and hands.

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